Congratulations to Caleb and Bailey! I was so fortunate to capture one of the coolest proposals I have ever witnessed. Last night, Friday, December 22, at 5:00pm promptly, over 40 people that know and love these two, all got together to watch as Caleb and Bailey get on a horse and carriage in Southlake Town Square. All 40 friends and family squeezed into a Gap store across from the beautifully lit Christmas tree in the middle of the square. I was strategically waiting(hiding) in “Santa’s Workshop” for them to approach the Christmas tree from their carriage ride hoping the freezing rain would subside. At the perfect time, it did. Little did Bailey know that Caleb had a beautiful diamond ring in his pocket. As the carriage turned the corner my hands began to shake-from the nerves, yes and I’m sure the 26 degree temperature had a part to play in it as well! I had the best view as I watched all 40 people flood out of the Gap doors as Caleb helped Bailey off the carriage and got on one knee. It was such a beautiful moment and to have all their friends and family there made it that much sweeter. Good job Caleb!! Congrats you two! I am so happy and excited for you!!
