My dear friend Lauren and her husband Justin, are having a baby boy in April!! I am so excited for them and I was so honored to capture this next chapter in their lives. The first time I ever took pictures of their amazing family was probably close to 2010 and I have been taking their pictures ever since, including their beautiful, intimate wedding. They are such dear friends and I couldn’t be happier for them!

The Dallas Arboretum is by far one of my favorite places to have sessions-especially now with all the beautiful tulips everywhere. It was such a perfect morning yesterday and Lauren was GLOWING!! With her long, wavy red hair, perfect baby bump, and her awesome husband who joined us so we could get some pictures with both of them to share in this magical moment, the morning was amazing and we had so much fun!! I love you both and I am so happy for you in this new chapter in your lives!! I can’t wait to meet your new addition!! Congrats!!


